From / to: | Ballarat | Bendigo | Geelong | Melbourne | Mildura | Warrnambool | Wodonga |
Ballarat | - | 121 | 87 | 113 | 447 | 176 | 392 |
Bendigo | 121 | - | 208 | 148 | 402 | 297 | 283 |
Geelong | 87 | 208 | - | 75 | 534 | 188 | 371 |
Melbourne | 113 | 148 | 75 | - | 541 | 263 | 306 |
Mildura | 447 | 402 | 534 | 541 | - | 553 | 570 |
Warrnambool | 176 | 297 | 188 | 263 | 553 | - | 559 |
Wodonga | 392 | 283 | 371 | 306 | 570 | 559 | - |
Distances are specified in kilometres and follow highways and freeways where practical, which may not necessarily be the shortest route.
Melbourne to: | By road | By air |
Adelaide (South Australia) | 725 | 650 |
Brisbane (Queensland) | 1,660 | 1,370 |
Canberra (Australian Capital Territory) | 647 | 450 |
Darwin (Northern Territory) | 3,776 | 3,140 |
Hobart (Tasmania) | - | 600 |
Perth (Western Australia) | 3,415 | 2,720 |
Sydney (New South Wales) | 863 | 710 |
Distances are specified in kilometres. For road travel, distance is measured along highways and freeways, except when approaching the centre of each city, which may not necessarily be the shortest route. For air travel, distance is approximate and is measured horizontally in a direct line.